Thursday, June 21, 2012

Five Key Components to Run Well

Five Key Components to Run Well

Here are five key components in learning how to run well.-.1.Good runners run tall.They don't hunch or lean.They run with the braked off.There is an economy and integrity in their movement.They run smoothly.While it's true that the smoothest runner does not always get to the line first, good runners still represent the ideal to which we can aspire.As use improves, there should be a clear improvement in form. longer stride, longer spine, head not retracted, better use of the game.2.Less can equal more.Intelligent training means listening to your body, adapting your schedule to allow sufficient recovery and to maintain interest.It's not about following a programme blindly and irrationally, and disregarding plan.After all, the adaptations to the body caused by training occur when we rest, not when we are under the stress of exercise.By allowing adequate recuperation, our bodies recover, grow stronger and are less prone to breaking down.Coaches in all sports are now emphasizing the importance of quality rather than quantity as the key to improvement and greater all-round fitness.3.Listen to the whispers so you won't have to hear the screams.Runners often train through and into injuries.Some must single-handedly keep pharmacists in business with their purchases of Vitamin I.A small niggle, if attended to, often disappears.This enables a runner to survive and even thrive on the stresses imposed by high-quality training.However, as the saying goes, 'Those who don't learn will be taught' - and the lesson can very painful.4.Runners who pound the ground often end up injured.Good runners run lightly; they don't try and excavate holes in the ground with each stride.5.Have confidence in the process and enjoy it more.Alexander's belief that by paying attention to the means, the end would take care of itself, allowed us to take each day as it came when applied to the regimes of training and racing.In order to improve, it is essential to try hard.But this belief is often very effective at feeding the 'end-gaining' monster.As Percy Cerutty put it. 'The mind, drilled and grilled to wrong concepts, reacts against itself.The result is that as the athlete tries hard, the power exerted is transferred to his antagonistic muscles.The harder he tries, the more brakes pull on.' If you want to run well, make sure you don't overrun and have enough rest.

Five Key Components to Run Well


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