Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thomas the Tank Train - The Original Wooden Train That Could

Thomas the Tank Train - The Original Wooden Train That Could

The original Thomas the Tank Train was a story named Thomas the Tank engine.Thomas had a job as a station pilot whose duties were to move the different coaches around and set up the trains that were to be pulled by the bigger locomotive engines.He longed for a more important job like that of his friend Gordon who was the engine of the express train.After an accident had occurred and Thomas rescues another engine named James and the Fat Directory, his potential was noticed.This is when he was given his own branch line for which he was responsible for.His companions on this line were the coaches Annie, Clarabelle, a smaller engine named Percy, and a tram engine named Toby.The description of Thomas back in this story from 1946 was a tank engine that lived in a big station.He has six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel along with a stumpy boiler and a short stumpy dome.His personality was described as cheeky and he felt he had never been given the respect that was due him.After this book was rediscovered by an English writer in 1979, his personality was changed to be closer to the one children around the world know today.At first, this caused some friction from the original author but the profit potential changed his grumblings.The original line where Thomas was in charge of was NW that stood for No Where.This was later changed to the North Western Railway.These were just a few of the changes that occurred but in time the best little train of all, Thomas the Tank Train emerged that we all now know and love.

Thomas the Tank Train - The Original Wooden Train That Could


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